
Career Advice

Wherever you are in your career, we’ll help you make the right move. We’ve got stacks of tips to share about how to land that perfect job, and a lot of support to offer along the way.

And to top it off, we’ve got great connections with some of the best and most exciting employers around. You could be just what they’re after. 

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    The Search

    We’ll find you some great opportunities. 

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    We'll guide you through the process with personalised advice and support.

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    We’ll help you agree terms with your new employer.

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    We’ll iron out any issues you have as you settle into your job. 


Advice & Tips

Want to be the best candidate you can be? Course you do. Check out our advice and tips on everything from writing a knockout CV, to nailing that interview. 

  1. How to Write a Knockout CV 
    1. Your CV could be the first impression a recruiter or employer has of you. Make sure it stands out for the right reasons. Here's a few words of advice on how best to structure and write it so you grab their attention.

    2. Download the guide
  2. How to Ace a Phone or Video Chat Interview
    1. Companies tend to use phone or video chat interviews as an initial first step to get to know you and to work out if you're a good fit for the role. We've put together some tips to make sure you ace that interview. 

    2. Download the guide
  3. What to Consider when Counter Offered
    1. You've bagged the new job but now your current employer has counter offered. Before you panic and make a quick decision, we've compiled a few things to consider to help you make your mind up. 

    2. Download the guide

Benchmark your Salary

Our salary survey will show how your current pay and benefits compare with market averages.  The salary guide here covers the industries of Legal, IT, Marketing and Engineering.


Salary Surveys

The teams at Yolk have compiled market leading Salary Surveys, updated annually. These surveys offer a true insight into the range of salaries you should be looking to obtain for your next role, and what business owners should be offering.


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