Permanent Recruitment 2 - RM6229
Crown Commercial Service Lot 2 – Non-Clinical General Recruitment
The framework exists to help you find a compliant, sector specialist that can support your EDI agenda, demonstrate excellent customer service, a value-added approach, and provide excellent value for money – that’s where Yolk Recruitment comes in. Yolk has been a supplier since the first iteration of the framework for the last 4 years and has delivered high calibre talent to public/third sector organisations across the UK through RM6002 and RM6229.
Yolk’s track record of identifying and engaging the highest calibre of talent across a multitude of sectors, our specialist expertise along with our commitment to customer service, means Yolk is ideally placed to support your organisation to make your next hires, be it 1, 10 or 100.Equality, diversity, and inclusion are as high on our agenda as they are on yours.
Being a diverse bunch ourselves, we understand the importance of diversity in your organisation and more importantly, how to help you achieve that. Yolk operates across central government and arms-length bodies, NHS & health, not-for-profit, blue light, housing, devolved administration and local government, education, and wider public sector. Yolk Recruits across all specialisms on the framework. Including: