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HR Insights: 8th September 2020 (virtual)

Hr Insights Holding Slides 8th Sept20
Tuesday, 8 September 2020 | 11:00 to 12:00

Did the start time of 11am work for the virtual webinar?

Is an hour sufficient for the new webinar format, or would you rather a longer time slot?

If we stick to the shorter hour format, would you like to see more regular webinar events? If so, how regular?

Did you have any issues with Zoom? If so, do you have a preferred video platform for webinars?

Did you find the Q/A section helpful? Would you like to see another one of these?

Do you have any topic requests for a future webinar?

We are always open to guest speakers. If you have any suggestions please drop them into the box below or email

Your HR Questions Answered
with Anna Denton-Jones

The HR Insights hiatus is over and we're coming back this September with a virtual session, hosted via Zoom, for what we are dubbing: The HR Hour.  (scroll down to sign up.)

With so much change happening at the moment, and the unpredictability factor from the Covid-19 fall-out, rather than giving it a specific topic, we thought the best use of this HR Insights forum would be for all of you to come to us with your questions, issues, and advice that you need now. Whether that's concerns on redundancies, work flexibility or the legal implications of other business restructures. We are all ears. 

It's an opportunity for you to get some free HR legal advice.

Ideally we can collate as many questions as possible before the event so we can structure it beforehand. But as the entire session will be a HR Q/A with Anna Denton-Jones, there will be an opportunity to ask questions on the day. 

And while we've dubbed it The HR Hour, if we need to run over, we can. 

Already signed up and want to submit a new question? 
Email with your question/s for
Anna Denton-Jones. 


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