Join us on June 20th for the next HR Insights session where we'll be focussing on the important topic of Menopause in the workplace and what adjustments can be made by both HR teams and business owners.
This session has been highly requested by previous HR Insights attendees, highlighting the significance of addressing this often overlooked aspect of women's health.
Once again, we'll be joined by resident speaker and employment law specialist Anna Denton-Jones of Refreshing Law who will be able to advise on all legal aspects of addressing the impact of Menopause in the workplace.
We're also thrilled to have Niki Haggerty-James, the Business Development Manager of Health & Her, an expert in women's health and Menopause, who will be delivering a guest speaker talk to shed light on the impact of Menopause in the workplace.
The session will focus on the following key topics:
The latest Menopause statistics and figures
Effectively addressing Menopause-related issues in the workplace
The financial implications for businesses
The legal considerations for business owners and HR teams
Common signs and symptoms of Menopause
There'll also be the chance to ask both Niki and Anna any questions you may have surrounding Menopause, its impact in the workplace, and the legalities surrounding it.
This session promises to be an enlightening and informative opportunity to gain practical knowledge, guidance, and actionable takeaways on supporting employees experiencing Menopause.
This HR Insights session will be a hybrid event, you will be able to join via Microsoft Teams or you can join the HR Insights team, Anna, and Niki in-person at the Yolk Recruitment office in Cardiff, South Wales. Free parking is available on-site at the Yolk offices and refreshments will be provided.